About two months ago, I was standing in line at Starbucks in a hotel waiting to order decaf coffee. A lady had just placed her order and was waiting to pick up her stuff when she ran into some old friends. Let's call this lady, Lady A. They started talking about their children. Lady A talked about how her daughter had just graduated in flying colors and was starting some job or had already gotten a job. She gushed over how her daughter was helping out with this bill and that. The other ladies looked on in awe. When lady A finally left the group, they began to talk among themselves. "Oh, do you remember Lady A from way back? Her daughter is doing very well. She's graduated and is supporting her parents." One of them laughed. She said, "Wow, look at that and I'm here still chasing after my teenage kids and dealing with paying school fees." I flinched because comparing myself with others is a personal rule I have set for myself to not indulge...
Storytelling, Entertainment and Inspiration!