Hi There, I hope the New Year is off to a great start for you. Always remember that as long you have breath in you, there's hope!! Meanwhile, if you are in the US, let's pray that the government shut down comes to an end soon. Lots of Federal government workers haven't gotten a paycheck this year. Tough!!! One shocking event that hit many of us like a Tsunami towards the end of 2018 was the death of popular Nigerian media personality, Tosyn Bucknor. That was certainly something that none of us who liked and admired her saw coming. Please keep her family and husband in your prayers. Also, if you know anyone around you who's hurting in some way, please say a prayer for them. Maybe you didn't lose anyone but you just ended 2018 feeling unaccomplished, like you are not where you are supposed to be. Take a moment and breathe. I am sending light, love and loads of hugs your way. Well, 2019 is already moving like a train. I hear it's go...
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